CategoryVideo Games

Video Games Category

Video Games Trivia Questions and Quizzes

Everyone secretly wants to be a full-time gamer. Since that won’t happen except for a chosen few, do the next best thing, and be a champ at video game trivia. This collection of quiz questions goes beyond “Minecraft” and “Fortnite.” We cover trivia on everything about video games, whether you’re a friend at “Assassin’s Creed” or just a laid-back “Tetris” player. Games are a fun pastime that hones hand-and-eye coordination among many benefits. Whether you’re testing your skill level or playing against friends, we’ve mixed it up to provide a more significant challenge, especially for the gifted gamers. Entry level questions are also included. Let’s go!

You’ll find a list of questions below, and each question is a clickable button. Click to reveal the answer and related info. Keep going until you’re done! Enjoy your quiz!

Who is the main character in “Mafia III”?

Who is the main character in “mafia iii”?
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Lincoln Clay.
Shortly after returning from Vietnam, war veteran Lincoln Clay sets off to build his criminal empire after the Marcano Family slaughters his adopted family right in front of him. The game is set in the city of New Bordeaux, a fictional city based on New Orleans. It was released in October of 2016 and sold -roughly- 5 mil. copies.

What did the standalone expansion that was released in 2015 for Driveclub feature?

What did the standalone expansion that was released in 2015 for driveclub feature?
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The expansion was called Driveclub Bikes, and it was released on 27 October 2015. It focused on “superbike racing” and featured a new Tour, a new gameplay mode, challenges, and new events. Similar to the main game, the rider and the bikes can both be customized to the players liking and after each race, the player gains reputation for their club. The expansion initially came with 12 bikes, but eight more became available through free updates or expansion packs.