CategoryBody Trivia

Human Body and Anatomy Trivia Questions and Answers

Human Body and Anatomy Trivia Questions and Answers

Do you think you know everything about the human body? Do you know about the body’s essential organs, brain functions, or digestive processes? Learn more about the anatomy of the human body as well as parts such as the bones, eyes, muscles, and heart. Challenge yourself or play with friends with the best collection of the fascinating and amazing medical facts and trivia.

Ready to test your knowledge? Click on the questions below to reveal the answer and some related information. Keep clicking to reveal all the answers. Enjoy your quiz!

Why our nails turn blue during winter?

Why our nails turn blue during winter?
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Nails turn blue in cold weather because our blood vessels constrict in response to a low temperature to minimize heat loss.
This results in less supply of RBC (which carry oxygen) and our blood appears blue. It is more apparent in nails due to their transparency.

Why do mosquitos bite some people more often?

Why do mosquitos bite some people more often?
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People who are exhaling more carbon dioxide, alcohol consumers, those who sweat more or having a blood group O, are frequently attacked.
People who eat a lot of milk products and then exercise have lactic acid deposited on skin, they are also approached by mosquitos.

Which part takes up 80% of the brain?

Body Trivia part takes 80brain
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The brain is contained and protected by skull bones of the head. The cerebrum is the most significant part of the human brain. It is divided into two hemispheres of the brain. The cerebral cortex is the outer layer of a gray matter that covers the core of a white matter.

What is tunnel vision?

What is tunnel vision?
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Tunnel vision is a medical condition in which a person loses peripheral vision and retains only central vision, which results in a tunnel-like vision.
It may occur due to glaucoma (in which fluid in eye builds up and creates pressure on the nerves causing damage. Another reason can be a genetic disease called retinitis pigmentosa that causes damage to the retina.

Why coffee helps us stay awake?

Why coffee helps us stay awake?
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Caffeine binds to the adenosine receptor, but because to a nerve cell, caffeine looks like adenosine it doesn't slow down the cell's activity as adenosine would.
Coffee helps us stay awake as it binds to receptors for adenosine in our brain. Instead of slowing down because of the adenosine’s effect, the nerve cells speed up.

Why is the Coronavirus COVID-19 so infectious?

Does the surgical mask protect you from coronavirus?
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The cause of high COVID-19 virulence is because it is a pathogen that the human immune system has never encountered before.
What makes it strong is either because of its animal inhabitance or due to specific mutations in a member of the human Coronaviruses. According to recent evidence, bats are likely to be the source of initial contact (as the genome of Coronavirus that hosts them, resembles by 94% that of the COVID 19. Pangolins suspected to be the possible intermediate host. However, according to many researchers, the COVID-19 virus structure seems so complicated that it is highly unlikely to be natural, and it is possible that is laboratory-made and accidentally released.

Why trained athletes have bradycardia?

Body Trivia trained athletes bradycardia
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A larger heart results in higher cardiac output, which also allows it to beat more slowly, as more blood is pumped out with each beat.
Athletic heart syndrome (AHS) is a non-pathological condition in which the human heart is enlarged as a consequence of repetitive cardiac loading, and the resting heart rate is lower than normal.