CategoryAnimal Trivia

animal trivia category

Animal Trivia Questions and Quizzes

Hairy, feathery or scaly, animals tend to bring out the gentleness or bravado in people. People like knowing about them whether they are cute and cuddly or vast and scary. To many children, animals are characters from their favorite stories. To many adults, animals are precious parts of this fragile world we live in and worthy of preservation. There is a tremendous amount of little-known facts about animals great and small, and knowing these details will be a fun way to spend time with people you like while helping each other learn something new every time. Test your trivia knowledge or become a quiz master with these challenging animal trivia questions with answers.

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What is the most popular dog breed in the United States?

What is the most popular dog breed in the united states?
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Labrador retriever.
Americans love dogs, and their favorite dog breed is the Labrador retriever. The annual American Kennel Club statistics has found Labrador to be the most popular dog in the United States since 1991 for 27th year straight. Labradors are widely considered intelligent, energetic, friendly and gentle, making them excellent family dogs.

What is the smallest dog breed?

What is the smallest dog breed?
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On average, they weigh around 4 pounds, and are short as 6 inches! The Chihuahuas are named after a region in Mexico and despite their tiny figure are fierce, protective and loyal dogs towards their owners!

What animal is the emblem of the U.S. Democratic political party?

What animal is the emblem of the u.s. democratic political party?
The United States Democratic party is recognized by the symbol of a donkey, and the Republican party is represented by an elephant. The Democratic donkey was first associated in 1828 with Democrat Andrew Jackson’s campaign. His opponents had called him a donkey, so Jackson decided to use the image of the strong-willed donkey on his posters. Later, famous cartoonist Thomas Nast used the donkey in newspaper cartoons and made the symbol famous.

What is the only mammal capable of actual flight?

In what country can be found the most asian elephants in their natural habitat?
Flying Squirrel.
Bats are mammals with their forelimbs adapted as wings, they are the only mammals naturally capable of real flight. There are more than 1,000 species of bats worldwide, and they can be found almost anywhere in the world except polar regions and deserts. Other mammals such as flying squirrels, colugos and gliding possums can’t actually fly.